Monday 7 July 2014

Positivity and Happiness :)

Morning!! :) come on guys, let start our day with a smile!. that is some kind of motivation to me actually. to destress myself. you know, as you grow older, u become more stress and stress. lots of negativity surround me lately. so i need to freshen up my mind, shower it with positivity. (please mind my grammar, people)

i took a KTM komuter ride this morning from the nearest station near my home. it took me as early as 5.15am to drive from my home to the station. unfortunately i missed the very first train of 5.26am. thats fine, because the next train was at 5.26am. thank god they are punctual in the morning. :p i decide to give a KTM komuter ride during this Ramadhan since there are heavy traffic jam heading toward out of KL. Cant bear that though. its dangerous as i keep on sleepy every evening while driving home.

It is lot of improvement for KTM service, plus the train are all new! :) they are spacious, more light color inside the train making it look spacious and comfy. The only thing are the seats. The seats are a bit hard and not that comfortable. As for me, the seats are bit hard-not-so-comfy though. The sponge are thin and hard. Even though the seats are not that comfy, but lucky that they are following the train schedule quit fine now.huhu :p

Ok, enough about the train. last night one of robert frost poem keep repeating in my head. "the road not taken". have you heard that poem? its one of my favorite. As for me, the poem hold deep meaning for every phrases that has been written by Robert Frost. ok thats all for now. here i share the poem : 

~credit pic to google~

Tuesday 20 May 2014

smile and be HAPPY!!

Salam and good morning :)

Its kind of stressful weak this weak. feel like my life is going through the most boring day of my life! 
why? huhu i dont know. mood swing, woke up late, traffic jam, etc, etc....that make me feel tired of life and work and this and that. i know i know macam tak bersyukur je i cakap mcm ni. but sometimes we just human and that way we express the stress feeling.

I think i really need to re-organize my life! now lets start with a smile this morning and pray so that today will be a cheerful day throughout. :)

pic by google

Sunday 11 May 2014

monday morning with smile!

Its monday again. today is 11 rejab. time fly so fast. and today i want to start the day with smile!! :) dah lama create blog ni tp stil xpenah tulis ape2 lg. so i decide today, lets make the first attemp. wish me luck! :)